
St. Lucie County has been my home for over 33 years. My husband, Paul, and I have raised 4 children together, and are proud grandparents to 7 grandchildren. I have worked for both corporate America and for myself as a small local business owner. Currently, I am the Director of Public Relations and Special Projects for The Children's Forum, a non-profit organization specializing in the early learning space.
Throughout my life, I've focused on giving back to our community and supporting small businesses, our local economy, and the many organizations that serve the needs of our neighbors.
I ran for office four years ago on a platform that stressed the need for leaders who can effectively advocate for solutions to our challenges. Leaders who understand that the success of our economy is tied to the health of our environment and that the most precious resource we can invest in is our children and their schools.
As your State Representative, that's exactly what I've focused on. Over the past four years, I have been proud to support historic funding for our public schools and the preservation and restoration of our environment - all while balancing the budget, keeping taxes low, and growing our economy.
For all legislation I have passed by year,
Florida is a nationwide leader in economic growth, education, transportation and so much more. Now we have to protect that progress and your vote and support would help do that in November 2024.
Thank you for your consideration and call me anytime - 772.475.3883.

Support and reignite
our local economy

Regaining our economic strength begins with keeping taxes low on residents, investing in critical infrastructure upgrades, supporting small business loan programs, and offering vocational job training programs.
Keep taxes low for working
families and seniors

Enforcing the law keeps our community safe. We are a nation of laws and our borders must be secure. In Florida, our ports are a gateway for drugs and human trafficking - this must be stopped and we need to support law enforcement and its mission to enforce the rule of law.
Invest in our Schools and Children

Providing a high-quality, world-class education for each child starts by empowering parents to have more control over their children's future through school choice and retaining our great teachers by rewarding them with more competitive salaries.
Protect our unique
environment and waterways

Our local economy is directly impacted by the health of our environment. Maintaining our pristine waterways will help us keep our environment clean while also bolstering our local small businesses.

State Board of Directors - Career Source Florida
Board of Directors - Council for Early Learning Education
Board of Directors - Education Foundation of St. Lucie County
Board of Directors - Executive Roundtable of St. Lucie County
Member - St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce
United Way of St. Lucie County, Women United Chair
Place of Hope Advisory Board
Vice, President, Port St. Lucie Business Women
211 Board of Directors
Florida Public Association Board of Directors
St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce
Treasure Coast Builders Association
Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build Chair
2019 Honor Flight Volunteer
CASTLE Board of Directors 2014-2017
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Outstanding Individual Philanthropist of the Year 2019
Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County
United Way of St. Lucie County Trustee